Section: Software


Contact : Christophe Cerisara (Christophe.Cerisara@loria.fr).

JTrans is an open-source software for semi-automatic alignement of speech and textual corpus. It is written 100% in JAVA and exploits libraries developed since several years in our team. Two algorithms are available for automatic alignment: a block-viterbi and standard forced-alignement Viterbi. The latter is used when manual anchors are defined, while the former is used for long audio files that do not fit in memory. It is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with a focus on GUI design. The rationale behind JTrans is to let the user control and check on-the-fly the automatic alignment algorithms. It is bundled for now with a French phonetic lexicon and French models.

Recent improvments include its integration within the JSafran platform and its release as a Java applet that can be demonstrated on web pages. During the last three months, JTrans has been downloaded about 120 times and seven users of JTrans, outside LORIA, have directly contacted the team for requests about JTrans.

JTrans is developed in the context of the CPER MISN TALC project, in collaboration between the Parole and Talaris INRIA teams, and CNRS researchers from the ATILF laboratory. It is distributed under the Cecill-C licence, and can be downloaded at http://synalp.loria.fr/?n=Research.Software